Parenting SA

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families



Help in crisis situations (24 hours)

Crisis advice and accommodation - South Australian Government

More helplines

If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)

Adults Supporting Kids (ASK)

A self-service website for adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person, or family.

Find resources and services in your area, use the self-service Just ASK tool, or seek help through Chat (9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays).

A national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for anyone who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Phone 1800 737 732 (24-hour service)
Information in other languages

Parent Helpline South Australia
Parent Helpline gives advice on child health and parenting.
Phone 1300 364 100 (24-hour service)

Child Abuse Report Line
Phone this services if you think a child may be at risk of violence, abuse or neglect, including Female Genital Cutting, or early or forced marriage.
Phone 13 14 78 (24-hour service)
Child abuse reporting - when to report and what happens next

Kids Helpline
Phone and online support for children and young people up to 25 years, including about becoming a parent. Online chat is available.
Phone 1800 55 1800 (24-hour service)

Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is there to help anyone who feels sad or worried. Information in many languages.
Phone 1300 22 4636 (24-hour service)

If life is in danger phone 000 (Triple zero)

Talk to a male counsellor about wellbeing, relationships, dealing with anger and keeping your family safe. Phone, online and video chat.
Phone 1300 78 99 78 (24-hour service)

Aboriginal culture, history and family tracing

Aboriginal culture, history and family tracing

Link-Up (Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia)
Family tracing, reunion and counselling services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families who have been separated under the past policies and practices of the Australian Government. Assistance is also provided to people over the age of 18 years who have been adopted, fostered or raised in institutions.
Phone 8406 1600

Aboriginal Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - Aboriginal Family History Unit
For information, support and a range of resources to help with researching your family history.
Phone 1800 352 553

SA Museum
Has several resources, including:

Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
Provides access to contemporary and traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural expressions through the visual and performing arts.
Phone 8224 3200

Aboriginal-focussed education

Aboriginal-focussed education

Kalaya Children’s Centre – Queenstown SA

Kalaya Children’s Centre provides culturally focussed preschool and early learning opportunities. May also be able to assist families during times of crisis.
Phone 8447 6519

Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre – Elizabeth SA

Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre provides culturally focussed preschool, playgroups. May also be able to assist families during times of crisis.
Phone 8252 5936

Taikurrendi Children and Family Centre – Christie’s Beach SA

Taikurrendi Children and Family Centre provides preschool and occasional care, playgroups and access to child health nurses and speech pathology for children. May also be able to assist families during times of crisis.
Phone 8186 1102

Tauondi Aboriginal Community College - Port Adelaide

Tauondi Aboriginal Community College is an Aboriginal college providing education, training and employment services.
Phone 8240 0300

Grandparents and carers

Grandparents and carers

Grandparents for Grandchildren
Provides support to grandparents and other kinship carers who may be struggling with the complexities of caring for their grandchildren.
Phone 8212 1937

Carer Support – Aboriginal Support Program
Helps people deal with the unique challenges of unpaid caring roles.
Phone 8329 5888

Healthy children

Healthy children

Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)
CaFHS is a free service for babies and children up to 5 years. Nurses can help with children's health, eating, sleeping and development. Some CaFHS sites have Aboriginal workers you can speak to.

For an appointment, phone 1300 733 606
Hours: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Raising Children Network
Information in many languages about raising children and young people. Topics include:

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples about COVID-19 vaccines.

SA Health - Immunisation programs
Immunisation programs help reduce the impact of vaccine-preventable diseases.

SA Health -  Aboriginal immunisation recommendations
There are extra recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for some vaccines due to a higher risk of some vaccine-preventable diseases.

National Immunisation Schedule
For specific information on immunisations for Aboriginal children in South Australia.

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Safety for babies and children

SA Health - Deadly Kids SA
Deadly Kids SA aims to support Aboriginal children to be happy, healthy and strong — by providing a number of different activities to promote the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and their families across South Australia.

Kidsafe SA
For child safety and injury prevention information and advice.
Phone 7089 8554

Healthy parents

Healthy parents

Bush tucker, health eating and wellness

Recipes and advice from Kidney Health Australia.

Australian Indigenous Health Infonet

Australian Indigenous Health Infonet has information on a wide range of Aboriginal topics.

Towards Independence Sobering Up Unit

Accommodation, support and advocacy for Aboriginal people dealing with alcohol addiction.

Phone 8212 2855

Aboriginal Sobriety Group

Aboriginal Sobriety Group is dedicated to the sobriety and healing of Aboriginal people. Provides support and pathways away from grief, loss, trauma and abusive lives.

Adelaide phone 8223 4204
Riverland phone 8580 8700

Aboriginal Services Directory

Aboriginal Services Directory - An Aboriginal services directory of Aboriginal Organisations, Aboriginal Businesses and non-Aboriginal Organisations and business providing services to Aboriginal people.

Metropolitan Adelaide phone 8168 8776
SA country callers phone 1800 636 368

Aboriginal Health Services


Nunkuwarrin Yunti, Adelaide
Phone 8406 1600

Wonggangga Turtpandi Primary Health Care Centre, Port Adelaide
Phone 8240 9611

Maringga Turtpandi, Hillcrest
Phone 7425 8900

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, Aboriginal Primary Health Services
Noarlunga Phone 8384 9577
Clovelly Park Phone 8179 5900

Muna Paiendi Health Service, Elizabeth
Phone 8182 9206

Country Centres

Pangula Mannamurna Health Service, Mount Gambier
Phone 8724 7270

Ceduna/Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service
Phone 8626 2600

Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Service
Phone 8683 0162

Pika Wiya Community Health Centre, Port Augusta
Phone 8642 9999

Riverland Community Health Service, Barmera Hospital
Phone 8588 0420

Nunyara Wellbeing Centre, Whyalla
Phone 8649 9900

Moorundi Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, Murray Bridge
Phone 1800 023 846
Clinics at Murray Bridge, Raukkan and Victor Harbor

Tapari Wellbeing Centre, Port Pirie
Phone 8633 0585

Umoona Tjutagku Health Service, Coober Pedy
Phone 8672 5255

More health information

To speak to a nurse about health problems
Phone 1300 022 222 (24-hour service)

Quit SA
Support for Aboriginal people who want to quit smoking
Phone 13 78 48

Mental Health Telephone Triage Service
Mental health assessment and crisis service.
Phone 13 14 65 (24-hour service)

Support services for families and young people

Support services for families and young people

Adults Supporting Kids (ASK)

A self-service website for adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person, or family.

Find resources and services in your area, use the self-service Just ASK tool, or seek help through Chat (9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays).

Metropolitan Youth Health Service (MyHealth)
Provides free health services and programs to young people aged 12–25 years across metropolitan Adelaide. Please contact your local Metropolitan Youth Health site for information on opening hours and services, or to make an appointment.
Phone 1800 716 881

Talking Realities Young Parenting Program and Indigenous Young Parents Program
For young people aged under 25 years who are pregnant or parenting. 
Westwood Health Centre, Unit 1, 40–44 Trafford Street, Angle Park.
Phone 8243 5637

Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services (MAYFS)
MAYFS works closely with Aboriginal young people who have had contact with the youth justice system within metropolitan Adelaide.
Phone 1800 NUKKIN (1800 685 546)

Breathing Space (Centacare SA)
Culturally and trauma responsive support service for young women under the age of 25 years who have had a child or children removed from their care.
Phone 8303 6600

Korna Winmil Yunti
The Stronger Safer Families Outreach Hubs are a culturally appropriate service to address and reduce family violence and improve the safety of women and children in the home.
Phone 8377 7822

Relationships Australia SA
Support for parents and caregivers in nurturing children’s development and wellbeing.
Phone 1300 364 277
Country callers phone 1800 182 325

Uniting Communities (Adelaide)
Family and homelessness support, counselling, financial aid, and legal services.
Phone 1800 615 677

Uniting Care Wesley Bowden
Child, family and specialist services, financial aid, homelessness services and emergency help.
Phone 8245 7100

Uniting SA
Mental health support, employment services, aged and disability care, homelessness services and emergency help. 
Phone 8440 2200

Uniting Care Wesley Country SA (Port Pirie)
Uniting Country SA provides services to families, single adults and children, who are experiencing difficulties such as domestic violence, disability, mental health issues, financial distress, homelessness, and family breakdown in country SA.
Phone 8633 8600

Relationship support services, children’s services, counselling, disability services, domestic violence, drug and alcohol services, pregnancy support, foster care, youth homelessness and community services.
Phone 8215 6700

Anglicare SA
Youth and family support, disability services, financial and gambling support, foster care, retirement living, homelessness services and emergency help.
Phone 8305 9200

Mission Australia
Family support, mental health support, counselling, disability support, employment and training, homelessness services.
Phone 8218 2800

Trauma and healing

Trauma and healing

Aṉangu Ngangkaṟi Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation (ANTAC)
Traditional Aboriginal Healers (Ngangkaris)
Phone 8355 0135

The Healing Foundation
Information, resources and further sources of support for Aboriginal people who have experienced trauma including those from the Stolen Generations.
Phone (02) 6272 7599

Parent Easy Guides for Aboriginal Parents

This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © DHS .

Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
02 Mar 2021
Printed on:
29 Mar 2025
The Parenting SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016