Parenting SA

Parent information and support

Helplines and family supports

Helplines and family supports


If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)

Adults Supporting Kids (ASK)

A self-service website for adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person, or family.

Find resources and services in your area, use the self-service Just ASK tool, or seek help through Chat (9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays).

A national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for anyone who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Phone 1800 737 732 (24-hour service)
Information in other languages

Parent Helpline South Australia
Parent Helpline gives advice on child health and parenting.
Phone 1300 364 100 (24-hour service)

Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)
CaFHS is a free service for babies and children up to 5 years. Nurses can help with children's health, eating, sleeping and development. Some CaFHS sites have Aboriginal workers you can speak to.

For an appointment, phone 1300 733 606
Hours: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Child Abuse Report Line
Phone this services if you think a child may be at risk of violence, abuse or neglect, including Female Genital Cutting, or early or forced marriage.
Phone 13 14 78 (24-hour service)
Child abuse reporting - when to report and what happens next

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The Domestic Violence Crisis Line
Offers information, counselling and safe accommodation support for anyone experiencing domestic violence in South Australia. They can organise a translator for you.
Phone 1800 800 098 (24-hour service)

Kids Helpline
Phone and online support for children and young people up to 25 years, including about becoming a parent. Online chat is available.
Phone 1800 55 1800 (24-hour service)

Legal Services Commission
Free legal advice by phone or online chat.
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Phone 1300 366 424

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Parenting workshops

The DHS Parenting and Family Support team helps South Australian parents and caregivers understand child and adolescent development.

They host relaxed and informal parenting workshops face-to-face or by webinar. You can get simple, practical strategies based on the latest parenting research. The workshops include videos, activities, and time for parents and caregivers to talk in small groups.

DHS Parenting and Family Support team

Family support services

Anglicare SA
Phone 8305 9200

Child Support Scheme
Australian Government child support scheme and assistance with payments.
Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 4.45 pm
Phone 131 272

Phone 8215 6700

Centrelink 24-hour phone self-service
Phone 136 240
Child support enquiries, Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 4.45 pm
Phone 131 272

Family Relationships Online
Information for all families – whether together or separated – about family relationship issues.  Find out about a range of services to assist families manage relationship issues, including helping families agree on arrangements for children after parents separate.

Family Court
For information about family law and dispute resolution. Online chat available.

Mission Australia
Phone 8218 2800

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Raising Children Network
Information in many languages about raising children and young people. Topics include:

Relationships Australia SA
Support for parents and caregivers in nurturing children’s development and wellbeing
Phone 1300 364 277

Uniting Communities (Adelaide)
Phone 1800 615 677

Uniting Care Wesley Bowden
Phone 8245 7100

Uniting SA
Phone 8440 2200

Uniting Care Wesley Country SA (Port Pirie)
Phone 8633 8600

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Parent Easy Guides

Support (Aboriginal Parent Easy Guide)

Support services (Multicultural Parent Easy Guide)



For parents

Free, confidential information and support for parents and family members. Bfriend Parent Volunteers can provide phone or in-person support to other parents.
Phone 8202 5190

Beyond Blue: Families like mine
A guide for parents and families when young people are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.

Gender Centre
Services for the transgender and gender diverse community.

Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
Information on gender dysphoria.

Australian Human Rights Commission
The promotion and protection of human rights in Australia, including sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.

Department for Education SA
The department has policies and procedures to ensure all students, including those who are same-sex attracted, gender diverse, transgender and intersex, receive a quality education in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.

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For young people

Free online support and counselling for young people,their families and friends

Has information on sexuality and sexual identity and provides online chat and other connection and support options. Find what your local headspace centre offers.

For support with appointments, counselling, information and resources for parents and young people.

  • Sexual healthline (before noon, Monday to Friday) phone 1300 883 793 or country callers 1800 188 171.
  • 64 Woodville Road, Woodville. For appointments, phone 8300 5300
  • 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide. For appointments, phone 8300 5300

Minus 18
Youth-led network providing information and resources for LGBTQI young people.
Minus 18 Facebook page

Telephone and online chat, peer support and referral for LGBTQI people of all ages.
Phone 1800 184 527

Information for young people coping with tough times.

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Parent Easy Guides

Children and learning about sexuality

Talking sex with young people

Young people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual

Education and learning

Education and learning

Has activity ideas that promote children’s learning.

Department for Education
Promotes growth for every child, in every class, in every school and preschool.
Phone 8226 1000
Free call 1800 088 158

Catholic Education Office
Manages 101 Catholic schools.
Phone 8301 6600

Association of Independent Schools
Represents the independent (non-Catholic, non-Government) schools in South Australia.
Phone 8179 1400

Parent Easy Guides

Growing and learning in the family

More than reading and writing

Starting school

Why stories are important

Healthy living

Healthy living

Body image, food and healthy living

Eat for Health, Australian Government
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and other information about eating well.

Girls Make Your Move, Australian Government
Promoting sport and physical activity for girls.

Healthy Eating for Kids and Teens, South Australian Government
Tips for helping children and teens to eat well and be active.

Statewide Eating Disorder Service (SEDS)
For people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other specified feeding or eating disorders. Open 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Phone 8198 0800

The Butterfly Foundation
Supporting people with eating disorders and body image issues.
Phone 1800 33 4673

National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Eating disorders information for young people, parents and professionals.
Phone (02) 9412 4499

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Parent Easy Guides

Young people, body image and food

Drugs and alcohol

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
A confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service run by Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia.

Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Information about alcohol, drugs and support services
Phone 1300 85 85 84

0439 TELL ME
Text a drug name and receive a text with information about the effects of the drug and links to further information.
Text to 0439 835 563

Parenting Strategies
Information and guidelines on preventing adolescent alcohol misuse, including free online course for parents

Quit SA
Information and support to stop smoking
Phone 13 78 48

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Parent Easy Guides

Young people, alcohol and drugs

Mental health and wellbeing

South Australian government information about mental health and education for children.

Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is there to help anyone who feels sad or worried. Information in many languages.
Phone 1300 22 4636 (24-hour service)

If life is in danger phone 000 (Triple zero)

Be You - provides educators with knowledge, resources and strategies for helping children and young people achieve their best possible mental health.

Healthy Mind is an Easy Read tool that suits people with intellectual disability.

Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Help for parents and young people 12 to 25 years. Open 9.00 am to 1.00 am.
Phone 1800 650 890

Youth Mental Health Service
Supporting young people 16 to 24 years to manage their mental health. Open 24 hours.
Phone 13 14 65

Online mental health support for young people

An online resource helping women recover from post-natal depression.

PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia)
For information, support and counselling for new parents, family and friends.
Phone 1300 726 306

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Parent Easy Guides

Children's mental health

Young people, feelings and depression

Media, movies and television

Media, movies and television

Australian Council on Children and the Media
Information and support about media and children 
Phone 1800 700 357 (24 hours)

Australian Classification
Information about classification ratings including for movies and apps

Australian Communications and Media Authority
Responsible for regulating media and handling program content complaints

Australian Government Department of Health
Guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behaviour for all ages, including screen time recommendations

Parent Easy Guides


New and young parents

New and young parents

New parents

Australian Breastfeeding Association
Information and support for breastfeeding
Phone Helpline 1800 686 268 (mum 2 mum), 24 hours

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)
Phone Helpline 1300 726 306, Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 7.30 pm
Information, support and counselling to new parents, family and friends. You don’t need a diagnosis to use this service.

What were we thinking
Information about common experiences for mothers and fathers in the early months of parenthood and some effective ways of thinking about and managing them.

Supports the emotional health of new mums at every step.

Young parents

Metropolitan Youth Health (MY Health) young parent programs
Providing individual and group support before, during and after pregnancy and while you’re parenting. MY Health also has nurses, midwives, doctors and counsellors.

Talking Realities
A program for young parents at Angle Vale
Phone 8243 5637

Family support program, Anglicare SA
Phone 8131 3400

Centacare - young family support program
Parenting support and accommodation at a number of locations, including on-site learning programs where residents can complete their high school education.
Phone 8359 1022

Young Pregnant and Parenting Network
Supporting pregnant and parenting young people to make the right choices for themselves and their children.

Parent Easy Guides

Being a Dad

Being a Mum

Being a parent

New parents

Now you are a parent (Aboriginal Parent Easy Guide)

Young parents

Parenting workshops

Parenting workshops

The DHS Families Growing Together team helps families by empowering them with the knowledge and skills they need to connect and grow together. This helps them lay strong foundations for their children and young people.

The team hosts relaxed and informal parenting workshops face-to-face or by webinar. You can get simple, practical strategies based on the latest parenting research. The workshops include videos, activities, and time for parents and caregivers to talk in small groups.

All workshops are free.

DHS Families Growing Together team

Safety for families and children

Safety for families and children

Cybersafety and cybercrime

Adults Supporting Kids (ASK)

A self-service website for adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person, or family.

Find resources and services in your area, use the self-service Just ASK tool, or seek help through Chat (9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays).

Bullying and harassment information, advice and helplines (SA Government).

Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner
Information on online safety for parents (iParent) and women (eSafetyWomen), children and young people. Includes cyber bullying, sexting, trolling, digital reputation, online gaming. Provides a guide to games, apps and social networking. You can report cyber bullying and offensive material. Has resources for Aboriginal families and schools (Be Deadly Online)

Google Safety Centre
Online safety tips for parents, including Google SafeSearch.

ReportCyber – Australian Cyber Security Centre
A national site for reporting cybercrime.

Cyber safety for parents and teachers including privacy management, sexting, gaming consoles. Has guides for young people on using a number of social media sites

Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN)
A national site for reporting cybercrime

Australian Federal Police
Report cybercrime

Crime Stoppers SA
Phone 1800 333 000

Common Sense Media
A US website with reviews of movies, games and apps.

Healthy children
A US website with an online tool for developing a family screen use plan.

Australian Council on Children and the Media
Information about children and media, and app review service ‘Know before you load’

Australian Classification
Classification ratings for movies and games

Department for Education
Information for families and students about cyber-safety, bullying and harassment

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Parent Easy Guides

Cyber safety

Safe screen use

Domestic and family violence

Police - Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
A person at risk of domestic violence can get information about their partner or ex-partner, to help them make decisions about their safety. Apply online or at a police station.

Police – family violence advice
Metropolitan Adelaide - contact your local Family Violence Investigation Section.

In country areas, contact your local police station.

Family Relationships Advice Line
Advice for families affected by relationship or separation issues, including locating dispute providers. Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Saturdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Phone 1800 050 321

Legal Services Commission
For free legal advice by phone or online chat, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
Phone 1300 366 424

Local domestic violence services
Supported accommodation, outreach and counselling for victims of violence

  • Eastern Adelaide Domestic Violence Service - Phone 8365 5033
  • Southern Adelaide Domestic Violence Service - Phone 8382 0066
  • Western Adelaide Domestic Violence Service - Phone 8268 7700
  • Northern Adelaide Domestic Violence Service - Phone 8255 3622

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Migrant Women’s Support Program
Support for migrant women and children experiencing family violence
Phone 8152 9260

Nunga Mi:Minar (Northern Region Domestic Violence Service)
Freecall 1800 003 308

Ninko Kurtangga Patpangga (Southern Regional Aboriginal Family Violence Service)
Phone 8297 9644

RSPCA - Safe Kennels DV Project
Provides emergency boarding for pets of people affected by family violence
Phone 1300 477 722

See also:

If you think you are hurting your family

Services for men who use violence or abuse in their relationships
Phone 1300 789 978

Uniting Communities
For counselling services and groups
Phone 8202 5190

Relationships Australia
For counselling services
Phone 1300 364 277 or country callers phone 1800 182 325

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Parent Easy Guides

Child abuse

Family violence

Protecting children from sexual abuse

Safe environments for children

Child Abuse Report Line
Phone 13 14 78 (24-hour service) if you think a child is at risk

Kidsafe SA
Children’s safety, including safe car seats.
Phone (08)7089 8554

SIDS and Kids
Safe sleeping for babies.
Phone 8332 1066

Red Nose
Phone 1300 998 698
Information on safe infant sleeping. Phone Crisis Line 1300 799 656
Phone 1300 308 307, 24 hours for bereavement support.

Product Safety Australia  - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Information about safe products for babies and children, including safe cots and securing furniture and TVs that can topple over.

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Parent Easy Guides

Safety for young children

Home alone

Safe families (Aboriginal Parent Easy Guide)

Keeping Children Safe (many languages)

Sexual abuse of children

If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)

Police attendance: Phone 131 444

Child Abuse Report Line
Phone this services if you think a child may be at risk of violence, abuse or neglect, including Female Genital Cutting, or early or forced marriage.
Phone 13 14 78 (24-hour service)
Child abuse reporting - when to report and what happens next

eSafety Commissioner
For information about keeping children safe online.
Phone 1800 880 176

Crime Stoppers SA
To report crimes including online grooming.
Phone 1800 333 000

Online safety information and to report online grooming to Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation.

Department for Child Protection
For information on child protection and reporting abuse.
Phone 8124 4185

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Parent Easy Guides

Protecting children from sexual abuse

Sexuality, gender identity and donor conception

Sexuality, gender identity and donor conception

Sexuality education and resources

(see also: LGBTIQ+)


All people from diverse cultures, sexual orientations, genders, sexes and abilities are welcome to access information and services. Fact sheets are free to download and may support discussion around puberty, menstruation and other sexual health topics.


Talk soon. Talk often - Department of Health, WA

This free resource has been developed to help parents initiate regular and relaxed conversations with their children about relationships and sexuality education.

‘Talk soon. Talk often. A guide for parents talking to their kids about sex’

Yarning quiet ways - Department of Health, WA

Developed in consultation with Aboriginal families, this document gives tips to parents of young Aboriginal people to help make yarning about sex and relationships a little easier.

Yarning quiet ways - teaching kids to have strong, healthy and safe relationships (PDF 7.1 MB)

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum - Department of Education

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to year 12.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers

Online safety for parents and caregivers - eSafety Commissioner

Parent-friendly resource to help keep children safe online, including songs, books, advice, webinars and other resources.

eSafety for parents and caregivers - eSafety Commissioner

Kids Helpline
Phone and online support for children and young people up to 25 years, including about becoming a parent. Online chat is available.
Phone 1800 55 1800 (24-hour service)

Raising Children Network
Information in many languages about raising children and young people. Topics include:

Gender Identity

Gender Diversity Service - Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Referrals accepted for any child or young person up to age 17 regarding gender identity concerns

Gender diversity service

Trans Health South Australia

Resources and services.

Trans Health South Australia

Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne

Information on gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria - Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne

The Gender Centre

‘First steps: Supporting and caring for transgender children: Shared stories and information from parents and caregivers’ - PDF 1.2MB 


Information about gender diverse children of all ages.

TransHub website


Information, peer support and links to other services for families of transgender children .

Transcend website

Parents of Gender Diverse Children

Peer support, information, referrals and advocacy.

Parents of Gender Diverse Children website

Donor conception: Telling your child

Registered reproductive clinics

Some clinics provide ongoing services for parents and donor-conceived children, young people and adults including how parents can talk with their child, other family members and friends.

SA Register of Assisted Reproductive Treatment Providers

Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority

Resources on telling children about where they came from and talking to other family members/friends. Support groups for parents, including solo mums, as well as donor-conceived adults.

Telling children, family and others

Donor Conception Network (UK)

Parent-led family support network. ‘Out of Europe’. Annual membership available.

Donor Conception Network

Parent Easy Guides

Children and learning about sexuality

Donor conception: telling your child

Protecting children from sexual abuse

Positive approaches to guiding behaviour: 2–12 years

Talking sex with young people

Transgender and gender diverse children and young people

Contact us

Parenting SA

Phone 8303 1660
Fax: 08 8303 1653

This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © DHS .

Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
02 Mar 2021
Printed on:
26 Mar 2025
The Parenting SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016