Parenting SA


For parents

Free, confidential information and support for parents and family members. Bfriend Parent Volunteers can provide phone or in-person support to other parents.
Phone 8202 5190

Beyond Blue: Families like mine
A guide for parents and families when young people are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.

Gender Centre
Services for the transgender and gender diverse community.

Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
Information on gender dysphoria.

Australian Human Rights Commission
The promotion and protection of human rights in Australia, including sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.

Department for Education SA
The department has policies and procedures to ensure all students, including those who are same-sex attracted, gender diverse, transgender and intersex, receive a quality education in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.

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For young people

Free online support and counselling for young people,their families and friends

Has information on sexuality and sexual identity and provides online chat and other connection and support options. Find what your local headspace centre offers.

For support with appointments, counselling, information and resources for parents and young people.

  • Sexual healthline (before noon, Monday to Friday) phone 1300 883 793 or country callers 1800 188 171.
  • 64 Woodville Road, Woodville. For appointments, phone 8300 5300
  • 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide. For appointments, phone 8300 5300

Minus 18
Youth-led network providing information and resources for LGBTQI young people.
Minus 18 Facebook page

Telephone and online chat, peer support and referral for LGBTQI people of all ages.
Phone 1800 184 527

Youth Beyond Blue
For information on anxiety, depression and bullying for LGBTQI young people.
Phone 1300 22 4636

Information for young people coping with tough times.

Law Stuff
Legal Information for young people.

Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council
A national body that advocates for the rights of multicultural and multifaith LGBTIQ individuals and communities.

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Parent Easy Guides

Children and learning about sexuality

Talking sex with young people

Young people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual

This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © DHS .

Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
02 Mar 2021
Printed on:
16 Jul 2024
The Parenting SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016