Healthy living
Body image, food and healthy living
Eat for Health, Australian Government
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and other information about eating well.
Girls Make Your Move, Australian Government
Promoting sport and physical activity for girls.
Healthy Eating for Kids and Teens, South Australian Government
Tips for helping children and teens to eat well and be active.
Statewide Eating Disorder Service (SEDS)
For people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other specified feeding or eating disorders. Open 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Phone 8198 0800
The Butterfly Foundation
Supporting people with eating disorders and body image issues.
Phone 1800 33 4673
National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Eating disorders information for young people, parents and professionals.
Phone (02) 9412 4499
Parent Easy Guides
Young people, body image and food
Drugs and alcohol
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
A confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service run by Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Information about alcohol, drugs and support services
Phone 1300 85 85 84
0439 TELL ME
Text a drug name and receive a text with information about the effects of the drug and links to further information.
Text to 0439 835 563
Parenting Strategies
Information and guidelines on preventing adolescent alcohol misuse, including free online course for parents
Quit SA
Information and support to stop smoking
Phone 13 78 48
Parent Easy Guides
Young people, alcohol and drugs
Mental health and wellbeing
South Australian government information about mental health and education for children.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is there to help anyone who feels sad or worried. Information in many languages.
Phone 1300 22 4636 (24-hour service)
If life is in danger phone 000 (Triple zero)
Be You - provides educators with knowledge, resources and strategies for helping children and young people achieve their best possible mental health.
Healthy Mind is an Easy Read tool that suits people with intellectual disability.
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Help for parents and young people 12 to 25 years. Open 9.00 am to 1.00 am.
Phone 1800 650 890
Youth Mental Health Service
Supporting young people 16 to 24 years to manage their mental health. Open 24 hours.
Phone 13 14 65
Online mental health support for young people
An online resource helping women recover from post-natal depression.
PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia)
For information, support and counselling for new parents, family and friends.
Phone 1300 726 306
Parent Easy Guides