Safety for children and young people
A self-service website for adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child, young person, or family.
Find resources and services in your area, use the self-service Just ASK tool, or seek help through Chat (9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays).
Child Abuse Report Line
Phone this services if you think a child may be at risk of violence, abuse or neglect, including Female Genital Cutting, or early or forced marriage.
Phone 13 14 78 (24-hour service)
Child abuse reporting - when to report and what happens next
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
If you are in Australia and need help (eg if you are at risk of Female Genital Cutting or forced marriage)
Phone 1300 555 135 (24-hour service)
If you are outside Australia
Phone +61 2 6261 3305
Text +61 421 269 080
Australian Federal Police (AFP)
The AFP is specially trained to help people at risk of forced marriage
Phone 13 12 37
You can get support to contact the Australian Federal Police
Phone 8100 4500
Freecall 1800 733 276
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Online safety information for parents and children
Phone 1800 880 176
Information on keeping babies and children safe. Advice on buying, hiring, fitting safe car seats.
Phone 7089 8554
Hours: 8.30 am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Information about safe baby sleep and grief support
Phone 8332 1066
Hours: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday